Rely on Us for Your Special Event Needs

Special Event Coverage

COVID-19 has caused major disruptions in our professional and personal lives. Special events, whether business related or purely social, have been no exception. We look forward to putting social distancing behind us and returning to the days of wedding celebrations, parties, festivals and sporting events.

If you have a special event policy with USLI and the event has been postponed due to COVID-19, please reach out to your underwriting assistant so that we can help you endorse the policy to reflect the new event date.

You can rely on USLI for your special event insurance needs as our country begins to reopen. We make it fast and easy to place business, no application required. We continue to offer competitive general liability and liquor liability coverages and remain committed to being your top choice for special events.

We offer three ways to quote: Please contact your underwriter, call 888-SPD-USLI or quote online.