Retail Liquor Stores

People shopping at retail liquor store

As we prepare for colder months, during which time outdoor dining may be limited and states may reinforce shutdowns for bars and restaurants due to COVID-19, let USLI help you write more retail liquor stores.

Here are a few of our top selling features for this class of business:

  • We can write a variety of risks that sell takeout alcohol, including gas stations, convenience stores, grocery stores, delicatessens, liquor stores and more!
  • New venture risks are eligible
  • We have competitive rates and minimum premiums and the ability to offer monoline liquor liability and package coverage options
  • We can write 24-hour businesses
  • Assault or battery coverage is available
  • We can offer a per location aggregate limit for entities with multiple locations

Contact your Hospitality and Liquor Lines underwriter today for more information or a quote.