While our world continues to be economically challenged, certain professions continue to provide key services and need professional liability insurance for protection. Consider the following:

  • People and businesses still need insurance, and insurance agents are needed to provide it and ensure that proper coverage is provided
  • Property managers continue to maintain both commercial and residential properties; they will likely face legal challenges stemming from evictions as the effects of the pandemic are felt
  • After a pause last spring, real estate agents are back to selling – low inventory means higher prices, raising the stakes for each transaction; however, trends such as more second home sales continue to drive growth
  • Mental health counselors are busy helping people cope with greater isolation
  • Personal trainers are getting creative with videoconferencing to provide their services and help their clients stay active
  • The drive for diversity, equity and inclusion is spurring growth in consultants who specialize in this field
  • Our need for better tools to enable remote work and education has created more opportunities for information technology services

Contact one of our Professional Liability Underwriters for more information.