Avoid the Headlines With Our Excess General Liability and Umbrella Products

Man getting bad news int court

Nuclear verdicts, punitive damages and treble damages are common headlines you may see today, but what do they really mean for you and your clients? Are you providing high enough limits to cover your clients for these exposures?

USLI offers both Commercial Excess General Liability and Commercial Umbrella products to protect your clients in these situations and more. We can provide a quote for up to $5 million over many classes regardless of the primary carrier.

At USLI, we make protecting both your agency and your clients easy by presenting these excess or umbrella quotes at the point of sale. We attach unsolicited excess and umbrella terms to most of our primary quotes. You can obtain a quote online, over the phone or by sending information to your Commercial Lines underwriter. 

Having the peace of mind of higher limits has never been easier!