Digging Deeper on Growth and Change in Professional Classes

Professional working remote

As we enter 2022, consider the ways various industries may be affected by societal trends, sometimes in previously unexpected ways:

  • In the information technology world, it has long been taken for granted that the West Coast dominates; however, the accelerated acceptance of remote work has driven firms to open hiring well beyond West Coast metropolitan areas (Conference Board)
  • Business consultants are currently short-staffed like many other industries at this time, but management and marketing consultants in a post-COVID-19 world are considered essential and demand is booming; growth is certain once the industry regains traction in hiring (Bloomberg)
  • The real estate industry proved extremely resilient during the pandemic and is poised for even more growth as property usage is reconsidered and repurposed to account for remote work and climate change (PWC)

These are just a few examples of where 2022 might take us. Where might unexpected growth and opportunity for professionals happen in your area?