Suburban Population Increase Creates Greater Dependence on Special Service Districts


Small towns and communities are facing challenges due to their rapid growth as populations migrate from big cities to suburbs and smaller communities. The small communities are challenged with increased demand for essential services such as water, sewer and sanitation services. This rapid growth has led to a greater reliance on special service districts.

A special service district can provide a range of services from water, sewer, library, housing and parks and recreation services. Revenues are generated from fees for the service provided or from an assessment or tax levied against the property owners within the district.

A board of directors is appointed to oversee the operations. As the board is tasked with providing services to meet the everyday needs of its residents, the appointed board needs appropriate Public Officials Liability coverage. Our coverage can provide protection for the decisions of the board, as well as employment practices liability for more than 30 types of special service districts.