Coverage for Commercial and Residential Janitorial Risks

Cleaning crew in cleaning a house

The pandemic has made many people put more of a priority on cleanliness. This is especially true at home, where a large portion of the workforce has been working for the past few years. 

The sanctity of our homes has been driving the increase in home cleaning businesses since 2021. Many once commercial-only cleaning services now offer residential cleaning. USLI can cover both types of operations.

Our Janitorial product is admitted in most states, with no general liability deductible. We can consider new ventures and risks with prior lapses in coverage. We automatically include coverage for property damage to items in an insured’s care, custody and control, which is a must-have for any janitorial contractor. We can also add coverage for inland marine tools and equipment.

Plus, we use a simple rating basis — the number of workers — eliminating the need for any payroll figures.

Please contact your Commercial Lines underwriter for more information, or send us your next submission today!