Do you have new business submissions or upcoming renewals for nonprofit clubs? USLI insures American Legions, Masonic Lodges, VFWs and more. We also offer monoline liquor liability and/or package solutions for these applicants.
Features of our liquor liability product include:
- Broadened eligibility to consider establishments if they have same day memberships or permit more than three guests per member per day
- Club members are covered as insureds at no additional charge
- BYOB is eligible at banquets
- Defense costs are outside policy limits
- Assault or battery coverage is available on most risks
We have some additional credits available for our liquor liability if there aren’t any of the following:
- Liquor related losses in the past five years
- Citations/Violations in the past five years
- Major entertainment except for banquets
- Drink specials or happy hours
We look forward to helping you place these nonprofit risks. Please reach out to your underwriter today for more information or a quote.