Main Street Businesses Continue to Grow

Ice cream parlor

According to, small and midsize businesses experienced better growth in 2023 than in years prior despite inflation and increased interest rates. Overall, the article notes, “Main Street businesses have bounced back from the era of the pandemic at a rate that is outpacing the predictions of pre-pandemic.”

Did you know USLI can consider over 75 classes of business that occupy the main streets in most towns and cities? These classes include:

  • Florists
  • Sporting goods stores
  • Clothing stores
  • Antique stores
  • Collectible shops
  • Gift shops
  • Jewelry stores
  • Candy stores
  • Ice cream parlors
  • Doughnut shops
  • Bakeries
  • … and more!

We can consider new ventures, risks with some prior loss history and mixed mercantile occupancies. Additionally, theft coverage is available for many classes without a central station burglar alarm.

Potential business opportunities are all around you. When was the last time you strolled down Main Street in your town?