A Solution for Your Incidental Liquor Exposures

Woman having a alcoholic drink at a spa

Incidental liquor exposure accounts can be difficult to place due to limited sales. While these establishments have limited sales, it does not minimize their liquor liability exposure. Here are some examples of incidental liquor liability exposures:

  • Beauty salons serving a glass of wine or champagne
  • Barber shops selling beer
  • Paint studio allowing Bring Your Own Beverage (BYOB)
  • BYOB restaurants

Establishments can still be held liable for negligent sale or service of alcohol, even if their general liability policy includes an absolute liquor liability exclusion. For example, BYOB establishments can be involved in liquor liability claims if alcohol consumed on their premises results in an accident, causing serious injuries or death. These claims can be expensive for small businesses. The good news is that we can help you write these accounts!

We write a wide variety of miscellaneous liquor exposures, including those mentioned above. Whether the establishment has alcohol sales or not, we offer the following advantages:

  • Low minimum premiums
  • Full liquor policy with limits up to $1 million/$2 million
  • Assault or battery coverage included for no charge
  • Access to our Business Resource Center
  • Speed, accessibility and ease of use

Email us your next submission for this type of business!