Importance of Packaging Property and Casualty With Professional Coverage

Doctor, nurse, X-Ray tech, Tech

With everything still in flux with our world, ease of doing business is more important than ever. One way to make doing business easier is by packaging as much business together where it makes sense. The benefits of packaging property and casualty with professional liability are as follows:

  • One carrier equals fewer coverage gaps
  • One policy with separate limits of liability
  • One stop shopping with simplified invoicing
  • Higher renewal retention
  • Ability to add a package to most classes of our Errors and Omissions products, as well as our Medical Providers Employment Practices Liability product

Log in to, and access Hit Zone Underwriting Guides for all of the products listed below and more.

  • Allied Healthcare
  • Medical Providers Employment Practices Liability
  • MicroPro Professional Office Package
  • MicroTek Pak
  • Insurance Agents and Brokers
  • Property Managers Professional
  • Real Estate Errors and Omissions
  • Specified Professions
  • Supertek

Contact one of our Professional Liability Underwriters for more information.