Recent Management Liability Updates and Target Classes at Devon Park Specialty

Manufacture workers setting up machinery

We have refined our Management Liability* appetite to focus on the accounts where we are having the most success and can bring the most value to our customers. 

Appetite and Product Changes

  • We have refined our focus to concentrate on Management Liability for small to midsize businesses and nonprofits with employee counts up to 500
  • Employment practices liability (EPL) will only be written in conjunction with directors and officers (D&O)
  • USLI continues to be your go-to market for stand-alone EPL for up to 500 employees

Target Classes

  • Manufacturing
  • Technology
  • Professional and miscellaneous service providers (e.g., engineers, consultants)
  • Specialty construction/trade (e.g., HVAC, electricians)

*This product is not available in Alaska, Louisiana, Mississippi and West Virginia.