Top Classes Needing Coverage Before the School Year Starts

Don’t wait until September to start targeting these great opportunities. We know many organizations work with, support or utilize school spaces in carrying out their operations. School districts require that there is an insurance policy in place before they can set foot on school property. Here are just a few examples of what we can help with:

Booster Clubs: There can be as many as five to ten types of boosters supporting a single school. Multiply that by the number of schools in your area, and you can see how establishing contact with a school district can be a great growth opportunity. We see booster clubs supporting programs such as arts, theater, band, STEM and scholarships, as well as cultural and language clubs. We have a lot of experience insuring sports boosters, and separate clubs can exist for individual sports at a school.

Parent/Teacher Associations: These are volunteer-run organizations that assist schools with their operations. These organizations need general liability, event liability and management liability for the decisions they make as a board.

Blanket Special Events: Simplify your special event fundraisers with our blanket special event coverage. For booster clubs and parent/teacher associations, we can blanket special events up to 2,500 attendees, incorporating general liability and host liquor liability, and we can also add commercial liquor liability coverage (in most states). 

Homeschool Support Groups: The numbers of children who are being homeschooled grows each year. New organizations are being created to support the education of such students while also providing social opportunities. These support groups usually meet once a week at a church. We can help with cost-effective solutions and provide specialized coverage to meet their needs.

If you need a quick solution on any of these types of organizations, feel free to call 888-SPD-USLI for a quote over the phone, or submit any underwriting information to [email protected]