Affects of COVID-19 on Mental Health and Homelessness Increase Need for Nonprofits

The past year has been a challenging one on multiple fronts. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report conducted during the pandemic, anxiety, depression, substance use, suicidal thoughts and stress nearly doubled throughout the pandemic. Risk factors for these conditions included food insufficiency, financial concerns and loneliness. Further, over the next four years, studies suggest the COVID-19-related recession is expected to cause chronic homelessness to increase some 49% nationwide, peaking in 2023 with an additional 603,000 homeless adults. (National Institute of Mental Health and Market Watch)

The good news? Hundreds of thousands of nonprofit organizations have been working hard to raise awareness and help those in need, and USLI can help you insure them! With the important July 1 date for nonprofit renewals fast approaching, now is the time to secure coverage for your nonprofit clients and reach out to your prospects.

USLI’s specifically designed policy provides coverage for these types of organizations:

  • General liability, abuse and molestation and errors and omissions coverage offered up to $1 million/$3 million
  • Minimum premium: general liability/abuse and molestation/errors and omissions starts at $735 ($500 in CA) and property at $250
  • Special events coverage available at no charge
  • Coverage included for volunteers
  • Fast and efficient service: full package coverage through one application, one carrier and one policy
  • A++ rating by A.M. Best

Call us today at 888-773-8754, email [email protected] or email your underwriter for a quote!