Let USLI Be Your Home for Vacant Dwellings

Vacant home having repairs

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were more than 15 million vacant housing units through the second quarter of 2022. With rising interest rates, the expectation is for housing demand to decrease. Lower demand usually means that homes may sit on the market for longer periods of time. We are here to help and make the process of placing your vacant business easy. Some of our product highlights include:

  • No restriction on the length of vacancy
  • No minimum earned premium if they need to cancel early
  • Policy terms of three, six, nine and twelve months available with extensions available as needed
  • Ability to cover renovations

We offer three options to quote: Call 888-SPD-USLI, quote online 24/7 at USLI.com or email [email protected] for quick turnaround.