The Importance of ADA Compliance Among Technology Professionals

According to Business News Daily, “Maintaining an ADA-compliant website helps protect your business against lawsuits and fines in addition to providing needed accommodations for your potential customers.”

We often get questions regarding if coverage can be found and where for this type of lawsuit. Believe it or not, you may find coverage for defense costs of an ADA-compliance discrimination allegation in an Employment Practices Liability policy if third party coverage is present. But what if your insured is the professional who designed the website for someone else who isn’t ADA compliant? What if they built the website exactly how their client asked?

Your insured can still be brought into an errors or omissions (E&O) claim from their client. Protect your website designers with an E&O policy today! Our Microtek product not only covers errors and omissions, but also claims arising from cyber liability, media liability and general liability.

View more information about our products below.