Professional and Management Liability – Essential Coverage for Essential Services!

Professional Liability

So many professionals and organizations are doing great work to keep our world going during these challenging times. For instance, nonprofits are providing vital services to help those in need, tax preparers are busy finalizing taxes, while grocery stores are working hard to keep food on the shelves to feed all of us at home. So many organizations are contributing to our lives; they still need insurance protection, and we continue to insure them.

  • Nonprofit Directors and Officers: Demand for coverage remains strong as organizations respond to the pandemic
  • Employment Practices Liability: Many essential services remain open, like grocery stores, accountants, doctors to name a few
    • Note: We are not currently writing first-time buyers
  • Community Association Directors and Officers: Associations are still managing their associations and probably seeing their residents more than ever; spring is a common time to place insurance
  • Property Managers: And who’s managing those associations? Property managers continue to seek coverage
  • Staffing Companies: This industry is busy placing those needing supplemental income after layoff or downsizing
  • Consultants: So many office-based consultants such as management, marketing, human resources and more have not missed a beat and continue offering their services from home
  • Information Technology Services: These vital services continue to demand coverage as their services power the remote work economy

For more information or a quote, please contact your underwriter today!