Insurance Solutions During the Self-employment Boom

Over the past few years, a generation of new entrepreneurs and a wave of innovation have emerged. The Department of Labor estimates 16 million people identify as self-employed, and millions more have started a second career on their own. Single-employer businesses have also submitted a record number of requests for federal tax ID numbers. All of this is being referred to as the Self-employment Boom. The following businesses fall into this category and are eligible with USLI:

  • Entertainers
  • Professional services
  • Personal care
  • Sale of products
  • Food services
  • Instructors/Coaching services
  • Miscellaneous

If you are interested in learning more about how USLI can be a solution for self-employed businesses, please register for our 30-minute webinar on Wednesday, April 13 at 2 p.m. Eastern time.